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Friday, October 15, 2010

Paul Jenkins sometimes hits it RIGHT ON THE HEAD

We've been saying it all along. Joe "rhymes with Koch" Miller has been bragging just a little too much about his stupid Bronze Star. For crying out loud, they were included in the MRE's during the brief "conflict" in Kuwait.
Paul Jenkins, a respectable journalist (despite his flacking forays, but it seems every scribbler gets more than ink on their hands these days) said this recently in the Anchorage Daily News:

"A friend asked me why I have such a low opinion of Joe Miller, the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate. It's not because of his ideas, which range from naive to uninformed to flaky. It's not his "It was good enough for me; it's unconstitutional for you" hypocrisy. I'm offended by his Bronze Star, or, rather, the constant, shameless touting of his Bronze Star. It is unseemly, and I'm embarrassed for him.

Virtually everything written or said about Miller quickly turns to that medal. His campaign ads. The New York Times, Time magazine, even Wikipedia and radio idiots. All of them. It is presented in such a way that the average person certainly could be forgiven for believing it was awarded for battlefield valor. Miller's was not. It was for "meritorious achievement" from Jan. 17, 1991, to March 6, 1991, during Operation Desert Storm."

Read the entire piece here.

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