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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A few thoughts on Lisa Murkowski

It's interesting to see some of the reaction on at least one liberal Alaskan blog I read. People are actually trying to get busy over Senator Lisa Murkowski's concession based on a partial count of absentee ballots. Now I am no statistician but I know full well that she would need SERIOUS numbers to go her way to make up the deficit.
So she did do the right thing, before everyone got completely worn out (it has, after all, been a week) and she conceded the race, as hard as that might have been for her, her family, close friends and staff and supporters.
There was nothing dishonorable or quitting-ish about it. Unless you have run for office and lost you have no idea.
That out of my system, I want to thank Senator Lisa Murkowksi for her work on behalf of all the residents of our great State. She served with honor and grace and acquitted herself well.
Yes, she was appointed by her Dad, but she was also elected to a full term and her appointment was not a particularly big issue.
She helped people and organizations from across the State. Her staff was (and still is) excellent and responsive. She has travelled Alaska and made friends everywhere she has gone.
Lisa, Thank You, and I wish you a fine next few months as office holder and of course look forward to your continued contributions to the future of The Great Land.

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